Online greeting cards have changed the market. When the only choice was a physical card, there was less variety in greeting cards. Now that physical cards need to compete with e-cards, custom greeting cards are becoming more popular -- by emphasizing the unique aspects of the physical card, great greeting cards with custom designs are able to amaze people even though they don't have the same interactive features as electronic cards. Electronic cards can feature anything from musical jingles to flash animations to recordings of the sender's voice. But they can't match the feel of good material, the aesthetic appeal of perfect calligraphy, or the simple joy of getting a cad card in the mail. Although online cards have changed the market, the biggest change that they've caused is an increasing appreciation for physical cards.
Custom greeting cards often demonstrate more skill than traditional cards, since they are individually crafted for specific needs rather than designed to appeal to a wide audience. This love of good design has affected many other products, but since cards are almost pure design (the only other features are the message -- left up to the sender -- and the materials, which for these cards are generally top-quality), design is a crucial consideration.
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